Subway Baby

On my Life List of Things to Do before I Die is "Help deliver a baby". I assume this would mean in some sort of medical setting, but I've always secretly hoped it would be in an extraordinary, only-in-the-movies situation, where I would swoop in with my extensive knowledge of birthing positions and heroically usher a new life into the world using only the contents of my purse and a shoelace.

WOULD THAT I HAVE KNOWN! that someone was going to go into labor on the F train platform Monday, I would have been there being the hero. As it was, Francine Alfontent got the help necessary from some wonderful by-standers, including a nurse, and delivered her baby girl, Soleli, right there in the East Broadway train station with the subways rushing by. Apparently, everyone banded together; people were passing items of clothing for the mom to lay on and to wrap the baby in, and some put their breif case down as a pillow. How cool is that?

You can read the full story from MSNBC here.