The Amber Christmas Special (by Pratt)

Year of the first Christmas you can remember? the 80's are all a blur.

An early Christmas memory? Prying ornament hooks out of Gus's two year old fist... and out of his two year old mouth.

Ever in a holiday play? Nope.

Favorite holiday ornament (Past and present)Past: The glass bunny. Present: My Target silver balls.

Decoration you dread seeing every year: The blow up figures on lawns that light up and inevitably collapse into ugly heaps of Christmas misery.

Classic Christmas song you never get tired of: "Winter Wonderland", and "Baby, It's Cold Outside".

Classic Christmas song you loathe: Feliz Navid (Fe-lease on my dog. Fe-lease on my dog! Fe-lease on my dog, they make him itchy and he cries so loud!...)

Modern Christmas song you never get tired of: You know, not so much a fan.

Modern Christmas song you loathe: "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey. Gah. Ugh! Bleck!

Naughty or Nice? Depends on where I'm hanging my stocking. *wink!*

If you have a Christmas tree, real or artificial? Real.

Any holiday traditions unique to your family you'd like to share? We started one last year! Singing Christmas songs on Christmas Eve. Except I was tipsy, and I'm pretty sure Mom was, too, so it was all, "Freroshty the schnow man..." and "Jingle balls, er bells... haha... I said balls!"

If you were an elf what would your elf name be? Am-bits.

Favorite Christmas Movie: The animated Grinch movie.

Best Scrooge Ever: I hate Scrooge movies. I can sum them up for you in ten seconds, and then you can spend the rest of your holiday season on something more interesting. Watch: Crabby. Sleepy. Ghost. Ghost, ghost, ghost. Wakes up. Digs Christmas.

Favorite Christmas Special: Charlie Brown. No contest.

Favorite Misfit Toy: The one that wants to be a dentist.

Have you ever re-gifted? Yes

Do you still rush out and shop on the 24th? Nope. Yay for!

Can you wrap presents well? Yes. I take great pride in my wrapping. (Sometimes, the tricky ones end up sucking)

What's one thing you know will always be in your Christmas stocking? A notepad. I think my mom thinks it's "The Ultimate Stocking Stuffer". She's never not given me one in a stocking, and it usually comes with pens, too. Mom, don't ever stop with the notebooks. I've come to depend on them.

Best Christmas present ever? Jen's Knitted Red Scarf, or the digital camera mom gave me last year.

Spill a holiday secret. I hate getting money from my grandparents every year, because I feel awkward taking cash.

Started on your Christmas Cards yet? No.

Do you bake Christmas cookies? Several batches.

You find yourself under the mistletoe with Pratt. What do you do? Swap him out for Greyton and pucker up!

Do you leave cookies out for Santa? No, Santa likes vodka in my family.

Can I refill your egg nog? As long as it's not "Soynog".