Most Boring Blog Entry Ever

You know you have young parents when you can go out with them on Sunday afternoon and the three of you are hung over.

Halloween was awesome! Saturday D. Bro and I went to a party at his friends house, and I learned how to play a bunch of cool drinking games (only half of which I actually remember). Sunday my parents and I mushed around Costco, and later mom and I passed out candy. I refused to let anyone have any candy until they said "Trick or Treat", and I gave all the teenagers a hard time about not wearing costumes. Byron and I ran out for a few hours after that, so I ran around a lot, and I feel it.

I started hostesing at Centro in Fairfield. They had a sign up when I went in for lunch, and so I got hired. I'm still dental assisting right next door, but since my hours got cut, I needed another part time gig. The atmosphere of the staff seems to be "catty" and a little "high school", but I met one really cool girl, so it should be alright. I'm not dealing with anyone's B.S., though.

Also, in fun news: I got two "Blog of Pratt" bumperstickers in the mail today. Woo hoo! One is on my car and the second has a higher purpose. I started to write my 175 page novel for National Write a Novel Month, A.K.A. NaNoWriMo. I read about it, and I wasn't sure if I was going to do it, but I'm going to give it the "old college try". So far, I have two paragraphs written. I will do better tomorrow! Pratt is doing it, so I slapped his bumpersticker on my notebook for inspiration. Thanks, Pratt, I'm totally using you.

I'm so tired, and I feel so boring right now. Thank you for reading anyhow. (Hey, that rhymed! I'm entertaining after all!)