
Apartment hunting with Emily is going... oddly. Her dad keeps saying he'll help us, but then he doesn't want to, then he wants to help us partially, and the latest is this: he wants to help us with the initial deposit and then have us be "financially accountable" to him. This means that he will sit down with us both individually, once a month, and look all of our bills, receipts, and make sure we are paying everything on time and being responsible with our money. The guy is a nut case anyway; I'm not discussing my finances with him (my PARENTS don't even discuss my finances with me and never have, even when I was younger!) So I don't know what's going to happen. We might have to wait, which is fine for me but not fine for Emily, who's dying to get away from her unstable parents.

Now for some "rip my heart through my nose" news: I IMed Zak just to say hi, and I should LEARN by now that this is a bad idea to contact him, as every time I do I feel like someone made me eat a softball whole and it's sitting in my stomach, or poured bubbling bacon grease on my soul, or stuck a million tiny pins in my back or any combination of the three, and always with a good helping of vertigo. Anyway, his girlfriend signed onto his computer, and was nice or evil enough to tell me who she was, and now... i dunno. I'm officially at a loss for words. And if, by loss of words we mean having a hissy fit...