I Partied All Weekend

The dog threw up three times in the car. Once on the Throgs Neck Bridge and twice on the L.I.E. Coming home, with Rob in the car, she didn't throw up once, of course.

While the rest of the world is in a frenzy finishing up their last-minute Christmas preparations, I'm pretty much done with it all. This weekend was three parties for us, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and now it's over.

Friday was Rob's dad's company holiday party. His dad is co-owner of the company, and it was held in a penthouse ballroom overlooking Queens and Manhattan. I wore a great little black dress. I said it was too low-cut, and Rob said it was "awesome". My sister-in-law showed up looking cleavagy, too, and Rob's mom shook her head, and goes, "I always thought my boys were ass men."

Saturday was our annual holiday party. All the cool kids came over and got into conversations about how we're in our mid-twenties and nothing is quite the same as they promised us it would be when we got here, and we're getting through it all and, oh, look! We're drunk and philosophical. Merry Christmas.

Sunday was my family coming over to do Christmas, since we aren't going to be around for actual Christmas. My brother came, which made me happy, and he brought his girlfriend, who is all kinds of adorable. I brought her home and Gus walked her to the door, like an actual young guy instead of the punky dorkball that he used to be. He hopped back in the car and grinned at me. "Isn't she a cutie?" He still as a dirt-stach developing mustache, and Art Garfunkle hair, but he still seemed pretty grown up.

6 days to the beach.