Brownie Sundaes and Jefferson Starship

Stuff that happened this week. In no particular order.

In a unique bonding moment, Rob's dad and I shared a brownie sundae.


I love this store so much, I decided to register here. That wasn't a hint. It was an invitation to check out the cool stuff they have. But if you want to buy me something while you're there...


We had Slick Aguilar and Marty Balin at the theater on Friday night, and I got to sit on stage with them for a song. (They saw me sitting in a corner, guarding the backstage door, and called me onstage. Initially I refused, but then they called me "chicken", so I had to). While I was probably not as entertaining as the blonde lady they called up at another point, (she danced around) I had a lot of fun, and can now say I was on stage with (most of) Jefferson Starship. I'll be expecting my phone call from the producers of "Behind the Music" soon.

In a related note, they called me "Sweetheart" all night. It was really cute. A lot of the older guys we have come through the theater are kind of tickled to see a girl working with the microphones and cables. I'm happy to be a novelity!

Last week we bought a gigantic pumpkin for the front porch. Silverman's Farm lets you guess the weight of the pumpkin before it's weighed; if you come within two pounds, you get it free. We were ten pounds over. It's only 37 pounds (I can't wait to carve it!)


Josh Kelley is coming back to our theater (YAY!) I'm hoping he'll bring his fiance this time so I can go on and on about how I'm such a fan, and how, when she crys on TV, I cry a little too, and find out what she's going to do with 8.7 million dollars, and trip over my words and make a fool out of myself and watch all the guys, Rob included, drool all over her... Maybe it's best if she doesn't come.

Unfortunately, he's coming back the same day we were planning on throwing a party, so I have to reschedule it, and I hadn't even called everyone to invite them, yet! I think it's going to be another Christmas/Hanukkah party in December.

We're the only folks on the block who have a Kosher Christmas, I bet.


Internet shopping for holiday gifts > mall shopping for holiday gifts. I've already started, and I plan on being one of the elite few in December who has everything wrapped and ready to go EARLY. I will be so smug.