
We moved our closing date to the 22nd.

We'll be homeowners in six days!

The move in party is June 3; it's beer and pizza and friends and you (yes, you... YOU!) are welcome to show up and help with any and all big-ass motor vehicles that you might own. We figured pizza and beer for friends would be cheaper and way more fun than hiring movers (and I hate having strangers touch my stuff). Keep your fingers crossed for no rain.

And let's just look at the leap I've made in living spaces in the past 365 days, shall we?

Windowless basement laundry room with 1. mold 2. spiders and 3. roommate named Butch


a crappy apartment with crazy roommates and neighbors in semi-ghetto


better, rent-free apartment in non-ghetto with my kind-of-but-not-really boyfriend


house with painatable walls (!!!) and yard (!!!) and dog (!!!) and breakfast nook (!!!!!) with world's sexiest future husband.

Lucky? Yeah.